Saturday, August 16, 2008

Josie Maran

You guys may recognize her from Maybeline ads and NFS MW.Maran was quoted as saying on Jimmy Kimmel Live, August 12, 2004: "I don't believe in marriage. I just don't think it's necessary in this day and age. I just think if you need to get married, then you're already distrusting the person. Why do you have to sign something to show your love? You just love, everyday." Maran talked about quitting modeling and acting to live in Hawaii and teach children, on Jimmy Kimmel Live, 24 October 2005. She reported to have also started yoga at Kripalu, eating organic foods, and trying to quit smoking.Maran was at one time in a relationship with David Blaine (magician). She is currently with photographer Ali Alborzi and the couple has one daughter, Rumi Joon, born on June 20, 2006, in the back yard of their Los Angeles home, as planned.


ali awan said...

nice shots
very pretty model
eyes nose lips boobs ass legs made in heaven
lovely poses
good luck in future